
Engine Problems That Make a New Engine the Logical Choice

If you drive an older automobile that you have no intention of getting rid of, there will come a time when you need to replace the engine. Demore’s Automotive can do this for you when the time has come. We can also rebuild the engine if it is just one system that has failed significantly. Let’s talk about some engine problems below that make a new engine the better choice.

Continual Knocking Sounds

If your engine knocks constantly yet you have the correct fuel in the tank, it’s probable that the rod bearings and rods need to be replaced. This is an extensive engine repair that requires a partial rebuild. We can do this for you unless one of the rods breaks. Then the engine needs to be replaced. The rods are what push the pistons up and down inside the cylinders. The knocking is the pistons making contact with the cylinder walls.

Excessive Exhaust Smoke

Excessive exhaust smoke means that your vehicle’s engine has a severe fluid leak. The exhaust is caused by the burning fluid. If the exhaust is black, you’ve got a serious fuel leak that could start an engine fire. Blue exhaust means that you have a serious oil leak. White exhaust signals a serious coolant leak.

Metal in the Motor Oil

You will definitely have to replace the engine if you have metal in the motor oil. This is a sign that the engine is disintegrating into the oil as it flows through it. Naturally, we can’t repair a disintegrating engine. Rather, we will have to replace the engine because it has reached the end of its life.

Overheating All the Time

Another sign that your engine may need to be replaced is if it overheats all the time. This can be an indication that you have a cracked engine block. What this means is that the engine has gotten so hot that it cracked the cylinder block. Heat that is this intense has likely damaged other parts of the engine, as well.

Significant Power Loss

Finally, your engine may lose significant power once it is unable to produce combustion anymore. Unfortunately, there isn’t a fix for this problem. Rather, the engine needs to be replaced because it has finally reached the end of its life. This happens with all machinery.

Demore’s Automotive in Palmer, MA, can replace your car, truck, or utility vehicle’s engine if it needs it. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Photo by Mike Bird from Pexels via Canva Pro

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